Key Lead Generation Metrics for Trucking Companies to Track

By tracking and analyzing key lead generation metrics, trucking companies can make informed decisions to improve their recruitment efforts.

CDLLife understands the importance of data-driven insights in driver recruitment. Our technology, experience, and expertise allow us to analyze the critical key metrics carriers need to track and analyze their lead generation efforts. Let’s explore these metrics and how they can empower you to identify successful strategies, optimize your recruitment efforts, and allocate resources more effectively

Application Conversion Rate

Your full-application conversion rate measures the percentage of leads who complete the application process and become potential candidates. Tracking this critical metric allows carriers to understand the effectiveness of their recruitment campaigns and identify any bottlenecks in the application process. A high conversion rate indicates that the recruitment message resonates with the target audience, while a low conversion rate may suggest a need for adjustments in the messaging or application experience.

Carriers can utilize analytics tools to track the full-application conversion rate. To calculate your full-application conversion use the formula below:


Regularly analyzing this metric helps carriers identify which vendors or campaigns are performing well and which may need improvement.

Cost per Lead vs. Cost per Hire

Understanding cost per lead and cost per hire is crucial for efficient budget management.

Cost per lead: The expenses incurred for generating a single lead
Cost per hire: The average cost to get a new driver into orientation

By comparing these two metrics, carriers can evaluate the effectiveness of their lead generation efforts in terms of their return on investment (ROI).

Lowering the cost per hire while maintaining the quality of candidates is a desirable goal. This can be achieved by focusing on high-performing lead generation sources and optimizing recruitment campaigns. Using data to identify cost-effective channels will ensure that resources are allocated efficiently, saving both time and money.

Time-to-hire & the Recruitment Life-cycle

Time-to-hire measures the duration between the first contact with a potential candidate and their official hire date. A lengthy recruitment process in a competitive job market can lead to losing potential hires to other companies. By tracking time-to-hire, carriers can identify areas of inefficiency in their recruitment and streamline their process to secure top talent more promptly.

Understanding the entire recruitment life-cycle, from initial lead generation to onboarding, and even retention, is essential for assessing the overall effectiveness of the recruitment strategy. By analyzing each stage's performance, carriers can identify potential roadblocks and take corrective action.

Data Tracking Tips

  • Utilize Analytics Tools: Implement robust analytics tools to track and measure lead generation metrics accurately. Marketing automation and analytic platforms are powerful tools that can provide valuable insights into campaign performance.

  • Set Benchmarks: Establish baseline metrics for each lead generation metric to compare future performance against. Regularly review and update these benchmarks as your recruitment efforts evolve.

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing for different recruitment campaigns to identify the most effective strategies. Test variations in messaging, visuals, and channels to understand what resonates best with your target audience.

  • Engage with Leads: Actively engage with leads and applicants to gather feedback on their experience throughout the recruitment process. These insights can help identify pain points and areas for improvement.

By tracking and analyzing key lead generation metrics trucking companies can make informed decisions, improve their recruitment campaigns, and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately leading to a stronger and more successful workforce.

To learn more about how to track these metrics with CDLConnect, reach out to a Digital Media Strategist!


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