Truck Driver Appreciation Week: What You Need To Know

Creative & meaningful ways to honor truck drivers during Truck Driver Appreciation Week.

Truck drivers spend long hours on the road, away from their families, braving challenging weather conditions and traffic, all to maintain our efficient supply chain. To truly honor these unsung heroes, it is important to recognize them in meaningful ways that go beyond a one-week celebration cookout.

In order to gather insights on how companies can better recognize and appreciate truck drivers, we surveyed our audience and asked, “Do you feel recognized & appreciated during Truck Driver Appreciation Week?”

35.4% said they felt appreciated during Truck Driver Appreciation Week, while 64.6% said they did not.

Insights gathered from the poll break down the different ways drivers said that their carriers made them feel appreciated:

  • Family Support: 1.82%

  • Recognition of Achievements: 3.64%

  • Cookout at the Terminal: 7.27%

  • Other: 9.09%

  • Job Satisfaction: 10.91%

  • Gifts/Swag: 12.73%

  • Personalized Recognition: 12.73%

  • Monetary Rewards: 16.36%

  • Nothing: 25.45%

Let’s dive into some practical and meaningful ways you can make your drivers feel valued during Truck Driver Appreciation Week and beyond.

Personalized Recognition

Take the time to personally acknowledge and thank your drivers for their hard work and dedication. You can simply write a personalized note expressing gratitude for their efforts, or give them a call to say “thanks for all you do”.


Public Appreciation Campaign

Launch a public appreciation campaign to raise awareness about the vital role of truck drivers. This can involve media outreach, social campaigns, and community events. Encourage individuals, businesses, and organizations to express their gratitude through heartfelt messages, testimonials, and social media shoutouts. Recognizing their contributions in public helps to enhance the respect and understanding of their profession.


Awards and Incentives

Consider partnering with local businesses or industry organizations to provide incentives such as gift cards, special discounts, or even sponsored vacations. These rewards not only acknowledge drivers' achievements but also show them that you care about their overall well being and work-life balance.


Family Support

Acknowledge the sacrifices truck drivers make by including their families in your appreciation efforts. Their sacrifices were made possible because of the support they receive from their loved ones, so be sure to include them in the appreciation as well. Create opportunities for drivers' families to come together, socialize, and share experiences. Family-friendly gatherings, picnics, or outings can build a supportive community and help truckers feel valued and better understood by their loved ones.


By implementing these meaningful ways to recognize drivers, we can demonstrate gratitude in a way that truly resonates with their dedication and sacrifices. Let us ensure that beyond Truck Driver Appreciation week, truck drivers receive the appreciation and recognition they rightly deserve for their essential contributions to our society.

For additional ways to thank your drivers during Truck Driver Appreciation Week, take a peek at our TDAW packages then contact us to get started!


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